House Clearing

Begin the process to enjoy a home

more full of love, laughter and harmony!

House Clearing

Begin the process to enjoy a home more full of love,

laughter and harmony!

How do you feel in your living space?

This question is generally the only determining factor for whether or not your space could use an energetic cleansing. When you’re home do you feel restful? Peaceful? Or do you feel unsettled, restless or depressed? Your home should be your personal sanctuary that restores your soul ; feeling anything other than this is a sign you need a clearing.

Other factors include:

-if this is a new home you’re moving into after someone else has lived there

-if someone has convalesced or died in the space

-if there has been an ongoing strong emotional imprint (violence, anger, abuse etc), or if there are indicators of an unwanted presence

Julie will come to your home and employ the use of various tools including sacred smoke of sage/cedar/tobacco, bells, singing bowls, prayer, oils and crystals. A clearing usually lasts 90 minutes or possibly more depending on the square footage of the home. Begin the process to enjoying a home more full of love, laughter and harmony!

Julie Crowe

– Reiki Master, Energy Worker, And Healer

Julie Crowe is a naturally gifted energy worker and healer who has dedicated her life to healing and helping others discover their highest selves. A Certified Natural Health Professional, Julie is also a Reiki master and specializes in the areas of chakras and holistic healing. She has not only studied through many different courses and teachers, but has also applied this knowledge to her own life, allowing her to speak from first-hand experience. Her caring and gentle manner will immediately put you at ease, and her comfort with her own knowledge will instantly let you know you’ve come to the right person for your wellness needs.

Julie Crowe Healing. Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved.