Distance Healing

“At the level of our everyday lives things

have very specific locations. But, at the

subquantum level, location ceases to exist.

All points in space become equal and it’s

meaningless to speak of anything being

separate from anything else."

– Michael Talbot "The Holographic Universe"

Distance Healing

“At the level of our everyday lives things have very specific locations. But, at the subquantum level, location ceases to exist.

All points in space become equal and it’s meaningless to speak of anything beingseparate from anything else."

– Michael Talbot "The Holographic Universe"

Quantum physics has given us a new understanding of the interconnectedness of our existence. In the early 1900’s scientists began to realize that “the very underpinning of our universe was one heaving sea of energy, a vast quantum field. Everything is connected to everything else like some invisible web”

“At the level of our everyday lives things have very specific locations. But, at the subquantum level, location ceases to exist. All points in space become equal and it’s meaningless to speak of anything being separate from anything else." Michael Talbot

Regarding energy healing, “nonlocality implies that it’s not going somewhere else, it’s already there and it’s already shared. The linking, therefore, of consciousness is both instant and enduring, and independent of time and space” -Ervin Laszlo

A more familiar term in our society is “prayer”. Or the sensation that someone is thinking of you from another location. In this sense, reiki or other forms of intention may be sent across space for the highest good of the recipient. Julie will “link” with you using your photograph and your location and send healing energy across a distance for a therapeutic healing experience.

Julie Crowe

– Reiki Master, Energy Worker, And Healer

Julie Crowe is a naturally gifted energy worker and healer who has dedicated her life to healing and helping others discover their highest selves. A Certified Natural Health Professional, Julie is also a Reiki master and specializes in the areas of chakras and holistic healing. She has not only studied through many different courses and teachers, but has also applied this knowledge to her own life, allowing her to speak from first-hand experience. Her caring and gentle manner will immediately put you at ease, and her comfort with her own knowledge will instantly let you know you’ve come to the right person for your wellness needs.

Julie Crowe Healing. Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved.